
why women fall in love with high heels

1  – show a good upright posture to wear high heels, women naturally chest stuck his bottom, chest and buttocks of two sexy parts are fully exposed.
2- there is no doubt that high heels make a woman look tall, consequently also become more beautiful.
3 – high heels modify calf  in a line of beauty, especially the popular pointed shoes will more perfectly shape the line  from calf to toe , who can stop loving that mellow and  slender shape?
4 – compared with these dumb sports shoes, casual shoes,high heels shoes is undoubtedly the beauty among all the shoes , from the upper to the heel, catching color and fine workmanship can bring  back a woman’s  born material desire , Now more and more  women like to collect their favorites,and  80% are high heels!
5  – showing cute and sexy toes is a good part of the performance of the summer ,a lot of girls like to polish their nails, wearing  revealing lace toe shoes make them more sexy.
6 – Partial to love and pity he is a man  who can’t wear in high heels, and when you fly in a nice high heels,how could he not be moved by your beautiful body? Although he sometimes angry saying why do not you wear a double-flat shoes, but my mind was to ensure that there are feelings of sympathy and affection can not be stopped, is such flirtatious heels give arouses sympathy and affection.
7  – women can also wear with beautiful comfortable flat shoes,  but woman still choose to wear uncomfortable high heels. In Da Data footsteps, the woman have trained to be  more and more superb balanced, more skilled they become in wearing  highheels , more and more confident for their own.

