I am so excited when the shop stock new bag, I am so willing to buy a new handbag for myself when a new season comes. So I have bought many handbags for myself, but I don’t have a fixed taste or love for one brand, like Marc Jacobs Handbags, or LV.
I may buy a handmade handbag by a common person in my travel and an expensive channel bag which costs me a whole month salary. Especially when I’m thinking of all the ways to incorporate the purses in with my look and planning outfits around my favorite accessory. What I love best is a good majority of these handbags are multi-seasonal (and exceptionally gorgeous for spring). This, if you ask me, is a great investment.
However, girls just can’t be perfectly attractive without a nice handbag, a handbag nowadays is not only a bag for hold something, and it is also an ornament like jewels.
Recently I start to plan to buy Marc Jacobs Satchel, I have been thinking about that for a week, and decide to buy a discount one, you know it’s much cheaper and to me I just wear this handbag for just a new summer. When another coming, I will change one , I don’t need to spend so much money on it ,I am sure ,many of the girls have the same idea with me. So the new summer is coming, have you prepared the whole nice outfit for it? Come on, let’s do it.