Chanel is known for creating fashionable, high-quality handbags. it's important to know how to take care of them. It's possible to bring your handbags to a Chanel store to have them cleaned for a fee, but you can also maintain them yourself by cleaning them at home. A Chanel handbag should be treated with care when using and cleaning, to make them last longer.
1 Wipe your bag with a microfiber cloth to get rid of the superficial dirt. Take a soft sponge cloth and dip it into the saddle soap container. Saddle soap is used for cleaning and conditioning leather. Make sure the saddle soap you use is transparent, which is a versatile soap to use with multiple bag colors.
2 Press lightly on the stains to adhere a small amount of soap on the bag. It's better to put soap only on the stains. Let the saddle soap stay on the bag for a few minutes to settle so that the stains are easier to take off later.
3 Gently wipe the area in small circular motions until the stains are gone. Make sure not to press too firmly on the bag or it might ruin the fabric.
4 Take a leather shoe conditioner in the same color of your bag and apply a small amount to your handbag to protect it. Your bag now looks as good as when you bought it. When storing your bag, place it in a pillow case to protect it.