
Dressing street chic Style

I am sure every girl wants to be attractive on the streets and looks fashionable. This make us in a high mood and become more confident, but do you know how to dress street chic Style? I google this question and I got some idea and I am so happy to share it with you. And I also add some pictures. Just enjoy it.

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Firstly, you should know that everyone is unique, and therefore, everyone has diverse tastes. Try to cultivate your own sense of aesthetic by knowing what music, literature, movies and art you like. And be more open to accept others’ style.

Secondly, a good basic outfit would be an oversized white v-necked tee, a black over sized cardigan, dark wash skinny jeans and black combat boots, accessorized with a black leather bag and a gray knit scarf.

What’s more, don’t forget Necklaces, bracelets, rings, belts, bags, scarves and headgear. Pick whatever you like. There are lots of stores with different styles to suit your taste. These things make a basic outfit look stunning. When done right, accessorizing can be your best technique into looking street chic. Layer them if you like.

A great hairstyle is a girl's best accessory.

Read fashion blogs or magazines online to get more styling tips.
Last but not least, don’t overdo it. If you are wearing more than six layers and 5 colors (not including stripes/patterns) then it's enough.

